They say that Reiki finds you when you are ready for Reiki to come into your life. If you think about how Reiki came into your life, perhaps you may find that it found you rather than the other way around.
For me, it was back in 1996. I was working in corporate wellness putting on health fairs for corporate clients in the Mid-Atlantic Region. One day I was working at a health fair in Baltimore, MD and decided to take a break from my booth and walk around the health fair to see what others were offering. As I was walking along, a woman waved me over to her table and asked, "Would you like to receive some Reiki?" I had no idea what Reiki was, but I said, "Sure," and sat down in her chair. She stood behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders. Her hands felt not-humanly-possible-hot. As I was sitting there feeling the deeply penetrating heat, which felt amazing, I was thinking about how she heated up her hands. Was it a radiator? Was it a thermos? I was going to look for those items when my mini Reiki session was over. So, when she took her hands off me, I stood up and looked for where she had heated up her hands. There was nothing, just a table. I was dumbfounded. I told her, "I am looking for where you heated up your hands, but there is no radiator here and no thermos. How did you do that!?" She smiled as she could see the amazement in my eyes. She said, "I am drawing Life Force Energy down through my head or Crown Chakra and through my hands." Ok, I had never heard any of those words before in my life, but because she had used her hands in a gesture to show me how the energy was flowing down through her, I was following along, kind of like when you are in a foreign country and you don't speak the language, all you can get by on is hand gestures. It was a little like that, because even though she was speaking English, it was a new language for me. I had not awakened spiritually yet. I had never heard the terms 'life force energy' or 'chakras' before. Back in those days I was reading everything I could about mind-body medicine because that was my passion, but I didn't have the spirit part yet. I had to believe her though. I felt that energy and heat. I could not deny it; I knew it was real. So, I put Reiki in my back pocket to save for later. I knew Reiki would be there for me when I was ready. I knew I would re-visit it one day and probably even learn it. You know those moments that are frozen in time? You know those times you remember vividly that are etched in your memory? This was one of those times. I think of those times as sign posts that our souls set up for us to ring a bell of recognition deep within us to help guide us on our path. I bet that woman's soul and mine set up that meeting, and funnily enough, it was the right time, I just didn't know it since I had not had my spiritual awakening yet. But the seed had been planted. Then, the year 2000 rolled around. That was the year I woke up spiritually. A lot happened that year, enough to fill a book. But for the sake of this post and to make a very long story short, my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer that year. One day while my sister and I were taking care of my dad, my sister did some Reiki on his feet. She was a Level I Reiki Practitioner at the time. My father had been seeing an acupuncturist who did Reiki on him while the needles were in. He loved it. He had requested it from my sister. He loved it so much, he requested it everyday. Knowing that Reiki was a part of my path and feeling excited about it, I said, "Hey, I am going to learn that, too!" And so in 2001, I did. I went on to get my Reiki Master-Teacher Certification in 2002 and even ended up giving my sister her further training and attunements. She is a fine healer and Physical Therapist in Seattle, WA, so if you are reading from there, check her out: I started teaching Reiki in 2002 and have loved every minute of it. I love so many aspects of passing on this incredible healing modality to others. To read more about why I love teaching Reiki so much, click here. A note about the picture I used for this post: Although Reiki is done while fully clothed, many Licensed Massage Therapists have also received Reiki training and attunements. When they add Reiki to their massages, it adds a deeply healing element to their sessions. I have had massages with massage therapists who use Reiki in their sessions and it feels wonderful. It's a more deeply healing massage and can balance all the bodies (mental, emotional, energetic) in addition to the physical. If reading this has inspired you to find out more about Reiki, I would highly recommend seeking out a Reiki Practitioner to have a session or find a class near you to learn it for yourself. It can be a huge step on the spiritual journey for anyone seeking a more fulfilled and balanced life. It brings self-healing to your fingertips, literally, and you can also help to heal your family, friends and pets. Has Reiki found you yet?
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I love teaching Reiki! I started teaching Reiki in 2002 and have loved every minute of it. In order to do Reiki, you must receive an attunement. A Reiki attunement is a process in which the Reiki Master-Teacher opens the healing channel in your body to allow the Reiki or Life Force Energy to pass through you to a greater degree while also passing on the Reiki energy via symbols. The symbols are coded to hold the sacred healing modality and once you have received the attunement, you have the ability to do Reiki. It's really very simple! This is how Reiki is passed from Teacher to student.
One of the reasons I love teaching Reiki is the look on my students' faces after they receive the attunement and can feel the energy flowing through their hands. They are usually quite amazed and honestly, so am I - every single time. Reiki never ceases to amaze me. Even though I have passed many attunements, it still amazes me that this sacred healing modality exists and that I get to pass it on to others! It amazes me because of the power of the energy. From one minute to the next - from just before the attunement to immediately after - to feel my students' hands heat up so fast and feel that energy flowing, is really miraculous. To see their faces light up when they start their self-healing practice in class and feel the energy moving and the heat coming from their hands is really wonderful. Another reason I love teaching Reiki is to see my students' perform their first Reiki healing session on others (or me!) in class. They are amazed at what they can feel flowing through their hands, picking up in the receiver where they need more healing or how the energy is shifting and moving. Receiving Reiki attunements helps to open our psychic gifts - gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. In other words, it helps to open our spiritual gifts. When I see my students receiving messages or intuitive insights during the healing sessions through their spiritual gifts, it warms my heart. They are usually tentative and not sure of themselves, but I love to give encouragement to trust what they are getting and trust themselves. It's a beautiful blossoming of the healer within that I see emerging and I love it. I love it, because I know that when they leave my class, they will be doing Reiki on themselves, loved ones, clients, pets and even the Earth. This means more healing for this world and that is exactly what we need! Spread the love, spread the healing and be in service. It is a fulfilling path. And one more thing I love about teaching Reiki is to hear my students' stories of healing after the class has ended and they have gone home to use Reiki in their lives. I receive emails from my students about the amazing and miraculous healings that happen soon after they leave class! Like I said before, Reiki never ceases to amaze me and I love to hear these stories of healing.....they just never end! Teaching Reiki is a service of the heart and I am blessed to be given the opportunity to pass on this ancient healing modality that brings so much love, light, and healing into people's lives. If you'd like to learn more about Reiki and Reiki classes, I have a video that covers all of that found here. |